Advanced Space Concepts Laboratory
"Push the boundaries, redefine state-of-the-art."
At ASCLab, we aim to study and propose solutions to various multi-disciplinary challenges. We study multi-body dynamical systems and design methodologies to improve space mission design, reachability, and feasibility for current and futuristic spacecraft propulsion regimes. We also research sensor-fusion, 3D reconstruction, and learning-based algorithms to enable autonomous guidance and control of Land, Space, and Aerial Robots, focusing on planetary landers and rovers.
Talks @ Events
Dr. Singh's Talk on RPI Space Science and Technology Day Bicentennial Event
ASCLab @ Events
December 2024: PhD Student Ickbum Kim publishes a research article on Probabilistic Regression for Autonomous TRN via Multi-Modal Feature Learning in Nature Scientific Reports.
August 2024: ASCLab Students, Kevin Alvarado and Ickbum Kim will present their work at the 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference in Broomfield, CO.
July 2024: Prof. Singh has been awarded The Class of 1951 Outstanding Teaching Award (2024).
May 2024: PhD Student Kevin Alvarado has published his first peer-reviewed journal article in the MDPI Journal Aerospace.
February 2024: Graduate Student Ickbum Kim to present his work on a novel 3D Point Cloud Denoising algorithm at the 24th AAS GN&C Conference in Breckenridge, CO.
January 2024: Dr. Singh weighs in on the Commerical Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative by NASA.
October 2023: Graduate Student Ickbum Kim will present his poster during the 18th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) at Lake Tahoe, NV.
August 2023: Graduate Student Kevin Alvarado selected to receive the NASA New York Space Grant (NYSG) Student Fellowship Award - 2024.
August 2023: Dr. Singh to chair the Guidance, Navigation and Control II session at the 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, MT.
March 2023: Dr. Singh named as the new RPI representative to the Universities Space Research Association.
March 2023: Dr. Singh selected to serve as member of the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee.
Contact Us
J. Erik Jonssson Engineering Center
JEC 2112
110 8th Street
Troy NY 12180
Send all enquiries for research positions to
Include your CV which must elaborate on education, past research/work experience and a list of references.